Introduction, construction, operation specification and operating instruction of Automatic transfer switch

Aug 22 ,2022 Site Editor

The main purpose of the dual power transfer switch is simply to share one way and one way to reserve. In the event of a sudden failure or power failure of ordinary power, according to the dual power transfer switch, the backup power supply will be fully automatically put into use (the backup power supply can also be powered by the generator system under a small load), so that the mechanical equipment can still operate normally. The most common are elevator, fire safety, supervision, real estate, hospital, government or corporate office building, chemical industry, military industry, textile, complete equipment factory, bank, different national infrastructure, power system, residential and non-residential areas, etc. , important places with power outages, which seriously affect the safety of electricity use in these important places or have requirements for prohibiting power outages, and continue to supply power for them. The UPS power supply used by financial institutions is also used, but its backup is a lithium battery pack. Most of the factories and mines with first-class and second-class loads have them.


Dual power transfer switches (hereinafter referred to as switches) consist of one or more switching household appliances and other household appliances necessary to test the circuit and automatically switch one or more load power supply circuits from one switching power supply to another. It is a dual power transfer switch with good characteristics, reliability, high level of automation technology and wide application range.


ATS, also known as ATSE, is the English abbreviation of Automatic transfer Switching equipment. The definition of ATSE is an electrical appliance that converts one or more load circuits from one power source to another. Automatic transfer switch appliances consist of one or more transfer switch appliances and other necessary appliances, which are used to monitor power circuits and automatically transfer one or more load circuits from one power source to another. ATS is suitable for dual power supply for key loads such as fire protection in the construction field. EPS is suitable for use in EPS with the main goal of solving first-class load power supply equipment such as emergency lighting, accident lighting, and fire-fighting facilities. The emergency power supply system of the circuit. UPS mainly provides electricity for IT industry equipment and provides pure and uninterrupted backup power. Diesel generator power supply mode is suitable for use in conjunction with ATS, EPS and UPS in power supply places that require long-term backup power supply.


Select dual power transfer switch, cross-connection mechanism, micro-motor pre-energy storage technology, and micro-electronic technology control system to achieve zero arcing (no magnetic blowing cover); select reliable mechanical equipment interlocking and electrical equipment interlocking technology; Zero technology; with obvious conductive part marking and manual locking function, it can reliably complete the protection between the switching power supply and the load.


Used more than 8,000 times; mechanical and electrical engineering integration design scheme, power switch conversion is accurate, flexible and reliable; good electromagnetic compatibility test, strong anti-interference ability, does not affect opening to the outside world, high automation technology program flow; automatic type. There is no need to connect all electronic equipment to operate.


Classification of dual power supplies


Dual power supply is mainly divided into PC automatic transfer switch and CB class automatic transfer switch


PC-level dual power supply: dual power supply capable of connecting, carrying, but not used to break short-circuit current.



If the dual power supply chooses the load switch without overcurrent release as the actuator, it belongs to the PC-level automatic transfer switch. It does not have a protection function, but it has a high tolerance and connection ability, which can ensure the safety of the switch itself, and is not damaged by faults such as overload or short circuit. In this case, a reliable connection circuit is guaranteed.


Class CB dual power supply: dual power supply equipped with overcurrent release, its main contact can be connected and used to break short-circuit current.


The dual power supply should choose a circuit breaker with only a short-circuit current release as the actuator, which belongs to the CB-level automatic transfer switch. With selective protection function, it can provide short-circuit protection for the lower load and cable; its making and breaking capacity is much greater than that of other components such as contactors and relays.


The structure of the dual power transfer switch


The structure of the dual power transfer switch is very simple, that is, the conversion of the middle of the switching power supply is carried out according to the working standard voltage information content in the electric path. The conversion here is also divided into two methods: hand-pulled and automatic. Some machinery and equipment cannot be suddenly cut off during the whole process of operation, which will cause great damage. From this point, the dual-power automatic transfer switch is also a fire-fighting equipment that should be installed as much as possible. After all, some machinery and equipment once damaged, new machinery and equipment must be disassembled, which will continuously increase the cost of the enterprise.




So what is the structural design of the dual power transfer switch? When the general switching power supply is normal, and the function key is in automatic gear, the pre-embedded knife switch is opened and the general knife switch is closed to maintain the general switching power supply to connect the load.


The microcomputer control circuit will detect the working standard voltage of the two junctions, and will distinguish the detection results. When the general switching power supply finds any abnormality in any phase, the dual power transfer switch will be converted from the general switching power supply to the reserve switching power supply, and When the general switching power supply returns to normal, it is automatically converted to the general switching power supply for the power supply and distribution system.


If it is detected that there is a common problem with the reserve switching power supply, the alarm device will send an alarm to remind the customer to repair the reserve switching power supply as soon as possible to ensure that the switching power supply can operate normally in the power supply and distribution system.


From this, we can see that the structural design of the dual power automatic transfer switch is carried out according to the power supply inspection, so it must be designed and strictly tested for product quality before it can be comfortably handed over to consumers. When consumers choose a dual-power automatic transfer switch manufacturer, they must choose a company with an overall level for cooperation, so that the product characteristics and quality of new products developed can be guaranteed.


Operating procedures for dual power transfer switches


1. When there is a sudden power failure and the power supply cannot be restored within a short period of time, it is necessary to enable the backup power supply. Step:


a. Cut off each circuit breaker of the mains power supply (including each circuit breaker in the control cabinet of the power distribution room, and the city power supply breaker of the dual power switch box), open the double throw anti-reverse switch to the side of the self-provided power supply, and keep the dual power switch box The internal self-supplied power supply circuit breaker is disconnected.


b. Start the standby power supply (diesel generator set), and when the standby set is running normally, close the generator air switch and each circuit breaker in the control cabinet of the self-supplied power supply in sequence.


c. Close each backup power circuit breaker in the power switch box one by one to transmit power to each load.


d. During the operation of the backup power supply, the operator on duty shall not leave the generator set, and adjust the voltage and plant frequency in time according to the change of the load, and deal with the abnormality in time.


2. When the mains power supply is restored, the power conversion work should be done in time, the backup power supply should be cut off, and the mains power supply should be restored. Step:


a. Disconnect each circuit breaker of the self-supplied power supply one by one in sequence, the order is: the self-supplied power supply circuit breaker of the dual power switch box → each circuit breaker of the self-supplied power distribution cabinet → the main switch of the generator → dial the double-throw switch to the mains power supply side.


b. Stop the engine according to the steps of stopping the diesel engine.


c. Close each circuit breaker one by one from the mains power supply main switch to each branch switch in sequence, and place the dual power switch box from the mains power supply circuit breaker to the closed position.


3. Check whether the indicators and indicator lights are normal, and start the cooling fan in the transformer. Basic classification Dual power automatic transfer switches are two types of molded case circuit breakers and load switches.


How to use dual power transfer switch


When it comes to dual power transfer switches, people will feel confused and feel that they are far away from their basic necessities. Perhaps they are widely used in the "bounce technique" of the tech industry. As we all know, with the prevalence of multi-storey buildings in big cities, the aspect ratio of buildings is getting higher and higher. To ensure quality of life and safety for such homes, many high-rise buildings are equipped with dual power transfer switches that instantly keep the power on and off.


In fact, if you want to respond to the entire installation process of the dual power transfer switch, you must first master the structure and basic principles of the power switch. This power switch is suitable for weak current installation rooms or other double-circuit electrical systems. Dual power transfer switches are used for instant and non-manual transfer between normal switching power and backup power. In this way, the power supply system for all office areas or buildings does not stop for unique reasons. The power switch is generally composed of motor drive parts, mechanical equipment interlocking parts, automatic coordinators and other related parts, and is generally fixed by a detailed metal material base.



When installing a dual power transfer switch, all input and output wiring must be routed in advance. The key is to understand that this power switch involves two sets of kinetic energy supply system software, so it is very important to prevent routing interaction and simply establish routing orientation. From the convenience of installing the power switch, you can install the next socket of the common fault power circuit first, and type the double power transfer switch machine before installing the next machine. At this time, pay attention to the consistency and effectiveness of the protector.


Since the dual power transfer switch is selected to ensure the continuous and safe operation of the electronic control system, the reliability of the power switch overhead line is relatively high, so it is necessary to reduce the carrying capacity of the power switch itself. It is better to choose lower protection devices and develop power distribution equipment. UTE are for output of all stages. Some unconventional loads can be partially or purposefully disconnected. One load power can also impair the performance of a dual power transfer switch and even destroy the reliability of a single route. Therefore, before installing the dual power transfer switch, the model specification of the dual power transfer switch must be specified according to the routed output power.


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